Wichita Falls, Texas Hometown Survey
Our pages are populated with submissions from residents of the hometowns we serve, so please take a moment and visit the survey link below and answer as many or as few of the questions that you'd like to. The answers to these questions will be tallied and posted here periodically.
Hometown Survey Form
How did Wichita Falls, Texas get its name?
The City of Wichita Falls received its name from a Wichita Indian encampment near a small Wichita River waterfall that was washed away in an 1886 flood; in 1986, a 54-foot replacement waterfall was built. - Andrea L
Where is the best place to eat in Wichita Falls, Texas?
Meer's in Wichita Mountains, OK. about 1 hr away from Wichita Falls and right inside the Wichita Mtns. Hibiscus Cafe is in Wichita Falls and it is authentic Greek food. The owners know their customers and the food is just as good as the service. - Ashley
These questions and answers are posted here for their trivia and entertainment value. We do not verify their accuracy. Many answers are the opinions of our visitors and do not reflect our own opinions in any way.